
Expectations kick my butt. 

Not only will I benefit from discarding my expectations I also must pay attention to my gut feelings.  If I am feeling negatively about interactions, I must talk to a neutral party for a perception other than my own.  Then I must talk to the person or persons about my perception to clarify perceived outcomes. 

Assumption is expectation’s close cousin.  Never, never, never assume motive.  Ask for motive and take person at word.  Anything else is at your own folly.

"My serenity is inversely proportional to my expectations. The higher my expectations of other people are, the lower is my serenity. I can watch my serenity level rise when I discard my expectations. But then my 'rights' try to move in, and they, too, can force my serenity level down. I have to discard my 'rights,' as well as my expectations, by asking myself, How important is it, really? How important is it compared to my serenity, my emotional sobriety'? And when I place more value on my serenity and sobriety than on anything else, I can maintain them at a higher level - at least for the time being."
Alcoholics Anonymous,
p. 452

Debbie Hackett

“If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.”  Fr. Joseph Martin 

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