Debbie Hackett
I Am a Spiritual Being Having a Human Experience
Many things have happened to me during my life that were traumatic. However, I am a person, not a victim. These are things that happened to me and influenced my life.
I am not my story. Through my faith, my education, counseling, 12-steps, and personal development; I am me and there is no one else I would rather be! Today I get to decide how I show up in life. I accept myself as I am, and I accept others as they are. I celebrate who I am and celebrate those around me.
I decided in my late twenties that I wanted to help others to find options and solutions in their lives, so I went to college for social work. I went to counseling and achieved my own recovery. After I finished my Master’s in Social Work, I began to provide therapy for people with mental illness and substance abuse issues. I attended retreats, workshops, and seminars to become the best version of me.
Now I am grateful to provide counseling, education, consulting, and seminars so that others can find the solutions to becoming the best version of themselves.